Friday, December 10, 2010

Moving On

It’s been quite a while since the last occasional bs, but thus the name. It was October 13th and things were pretty good. I had recently gotten a job!! Sounds like a small thing but I wasn’t working for almost a year. So I’ve been busy. Right before I started my sweetie and I decided to go ahead and get married. We had been toying around with the idea of waiting for awhile and going to Vegas, but decided we weren’t getting any younger. Anyway……………we are both very happy. Or at least I am. I’m sure I’ll grow on her though. I started on my last blog on Oct 23th. The title was “When I’m President of Texas Things Are Gonna Change.” But that is gonna be in two blogs from now or perhaps next election season. My next blog is going to be about the joys and bliss of marriage. So many things have happened in the past couple of months. The joy of being married to the woman I fell in love with is awesome. I’m so looking forward to spending the rest of my life with her. But now I want to go deep. Something else has been on my mind as well. I lost a friend. Death is rarely welcome, but when it happens to someone so young and vibrant, it’s shocking. I’ve known this friend for both a long time and a very short time. Weird, huh? In the last couple of years she participated in a charity softball tournament with us and several reunions. We passed encouraging messages to each other on facebook and she would always post some kind of amusing quote that would brighten my day. When she went on vacation I asked her to bring me a surprise AND SHE DID! I just happened to come across it today as I was getting dressed. A stuffed javelin from her visit to Big Bend with her boys. I commented on her making jelly one day and damned if she didn’t whip me up a couple of jars. She was that kind of thoughtful. When we welcomed a visiting friend home this past summer, she and I made plans to fix her son up with my daughter. We laughed at the possibility of them really hitting it off and us becoming in-laws. Shortly after that I was offered my current job with a government agency. I was IM-ing with her and letting her know that I was getting off facebook due to “company policy.” The last thing she said to me was to get a phony name and to friend her as soon as I did. She then told me how much she enjoyed meeting my future wife and she really liked her. Always said she had good taste! She died and was buried the first week of my new job. I didn’t get to go to the funeral. So now, I’d like to say good bye to my dear friend. She’s moved on to a better place. And friend, save me a seat?! Love and miss you.

Next week, on to funny, happy stuff!